zondag 13 oktober 2013

Learning Blender Part 2 : Modeling

First 3D modelling experience in Blender.

I descided to model a cartoon bat face. in a cartoon. It s always best to start with something simple with not too much details.

This excersise was good cause it helped me understand, how to manage multiple objects, how to use modifiers (mirror), and the modeling techniques in Blender.

The model is not finished and loops still have some errors.

When getting in to this exercise (after learning the basics).
These were the tools I used the most in blender.

Modeling Tools
E : Extrude
G + G : move on edge
Alt + R : loop connect
K : knife
O : activate soft selection, pretty cool cause you can easily change the soft range with your mouse scroll !
Alt + M : merge vertex, edges
F : bridge two edges
P : Detach
X : Delete Face, Edge, Dissolve

Preferences : Rotate Around Selected (a must for modeling)
Prompt Quit : Needed otherwise you just loose your files

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