zondag 29 september 2013

Python : Save and Load Dictionaries with json

Dictionaries are a very useful element in python to manage your data.
I often save and load dictionaries to a file to use as save and load systems in my tools.

The example underneath shows how to save a dictionary to a text file with json.dumps() and loading it back in using json.load()

Save a dictionary to a file

import json
dict = {"hello" : "dictionary", "this" : "is", "awesome" : {"sub" : "collection"}}
dictString= json.dumps(dict, sort_keys=False ,ensure_ascii=True ,indent=2)
fs = open("c:/dict.txt","w")

Loads a dictionary from a file

import json
fs = open("c:/dict.txt")
dict = json.load(fs)
print dict

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