zondag 30 maart 2014

Sublime Package : Alignment

A very intersting package for sublime Text is 'Alignment'.
It s very helpful to clean up your code.


# before
apple = "appel"
tomate = "tomaat"
orange = "sinaalapple"
pear = "peer"

# after
apple  = "appel"
tomate = "tomaat"
orange = "sinaalapple"
pear   = "peer"

Python Fold - Sublime Text Package

I developed my first package sublime text !

'Fold Python' is a intelligent Folding System for Python.

You can fold, navigate, extend python code in a very fast and easy way.
instant fold all methods, leaving docstrings visible, extending your current code.

I developed it for my own since I am a python developer. And this techniques mainly work thanks to the indent system of Python.
