woensdag 17 december 2014

Setting up SDL / OpenGL for Eclipse Luna Windows 7

I am freshing up my C++ knowledge and looking into SDL and openGL.
I set up Eclipse Luna, MinGW, SDL, openGL for windows7 64bit.

These are some scribbles that for me are important for future use.

Eclipse Luna
install JDK if needed after that just inzip the files and the executable of eclipse works.

Download the installer and follow these steps:


  • install the mingw32-base, mingw32-gc-g++, msys-base package
  • Add the 'Path' enviroment (capital 'P' lower case 'ath') variable in system with needed directories

download the minggw.tar.gz from the SDL2 downloads.
It is important that you use the minggw version.
I made this mistake and tried 5 hours to get SDL working, in which I failed (I got a lot of WinMain@32 errors because of this)

Unzip it at a location of choice.

Eclipse Luna project
Create 'Empty Project' using the 'MinGW GCC' toolchain.
Go to project settings
in 'C/C++ Build -> Settings' add following as linker flags :
-mwindows -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++
from what I understood -mwindows since we are working on windows platform to resolve WinMain problems
-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ are for embedding gcc in your executable

'C/C++General -> Paths and Symbols -> Includes -> GNU C++'  addn the 'include' directory of SDL.
'C/C++General -> Paths and Symbols -> Libraries' add 'mingw32', 'sdl2main', 'sdl2'.
'C/C++General -> Paths and Symbols -> Library Paths' add the 'lib' directory of SDL.

This way your Tool Chain will have access to all SDL2 information

You will have to include SDL as following :
#include "SDL2/SDL.h"

In 'C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols > Libraries' add folowing items:
'opengl32' and 'glu32'

zaterdag 9 augustus 2014

Chrome style tabs in windows explorer

This plugin is quiet nice. Adds tabs and a horizontal bookmarks bar to your windows explorer.

I tested it out for a week and it is good for a mouse user.
I am a keyboard user and the plugin often responds bad or not at all on shortcuts. probably because the initial focus is not correct or that it works a bit slower. So I went back to the old default explorer.

too bad, hopefully this tool will keep to improve


zaterdag 12 april 2014

color it github

I shift as much of my current development to github. I did some new updates on the 'color it' tool maxscript tool. I am hoping that this way my code will be centralized and that other people can access and improve my code :)


zondag 6 april 2014

3ds max ui designer - Illustrator

When cleaning up file I found something nice from my times when I was developing tools in 3ds max.
So i would like to share it.

It is an illustrator template with 3ds max components. These objects are stretching in a correct way so you can create windows and buttons, scale them without that it stretches in a wrong way.


Enjoy !

zondag 30 maart 2014

Sublime Package : Alignment

A very intersting package for sublime Text is 'Alignment'.
It s very helpful to clean up your code.


# before
apple = "appel"
tomate = "tomaat"
orange = "sinaalapple"
pear = "peer"

# after
apple  = "appel"
tomate = "tomaat"
orange = "sinaalapple"
pear   = "peer"

Python Fold - Sublime Text Package

I developed my first package sublime text !

'Fold Python' is a intelligent Folding System for Python.

You can fold, navigate, extend python code in a very fast and easy way.
instant fold all methods, leaving docstrings visible, extending your current code.

I developed it for my own since I am a python developer. And this techniques mainly work thanks to the indent system of Python.
